Wednesday, August 17, 2011

To have and to hold,
in sickness and in health,
for richer or for poorer,
and 'til death do us part.

Fifty one years ago, Uncle Skeeter and Nancy made those vows to each other. And as those 51 years went by, they lived out those vows. Life wasn't always easy for them, but they always made it work. When times got tough, they buckled down and made it work. So when Skeeter got sick, Nancy did what she had always done, what she vowed to do for him, she made it work. She was by his side no matter how sick he got, for better or for worse. She stretched their paychecks and often went with out to make sure he had the medical attention he needed,  for richer or poorer. She stuck by his side til the bitter end and tomorrow she will bury her best friend and love of her life, til death do us part.

I'm in the business of helping people prepare a day when they will vow before their family and friends to love and honor their best friend, partner in crime and love of their lives.  Our brides will spend months going over every detail, hoping to plan a beatiful day. They'll pick a beautiful dress, choose decor that creates the perfect atmosphere and select the perfect playlist to dance the night away to.

Our brides are excited and hopeful for the future. They are beyond estatic and proud to take the name of their beloved. They'll walk down the aisle and recite their vows with utter sincerity. There's weight, truth and love in every line of them.

Today, I'm reminded of what it looks like to live out the vows made at the altar.

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